
Total phenolic content and in vitro antioxydant activity of extracts from the endemic medicinal plant warionia saharae

Mebarka Belboukhari, Abdelkrim Cheriti, Nasser Belboukhari

TheAcOEt fractions prepared from80%EtOHextract of the endemic Saharan medicinal plant Warionia saharae exhibited the most potent antioxidant capacity (IC50 = 3.08 ± 0.40 g/mL for DPPH and 8.95 ± 0.23 g/mL for superoxide anion radical), compared to the n-BuOH and CHCl3 fractions. Thus, this extract fraction exhibited a strong antioxidant activity and had the most potent scavenging abilities which may be caused by the presence of Phenolic compounds.

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