
Topside Ionosphere and Plasma sphere Modelling

Mohamed Alber

 Using a machine learning technique and over five million electron density records from the Japanese satellites Hinotori, Akebono, and Arase, we created a novel topside ionosphere and plasma sphere model. The topside ionosphere and plasma sphere model (TIP-model), which takes into account latitude, longitude, universal time, season, and solar and magnetic activity throughout time, can calculate electron concentrations at altitudes ranging from 500 km to 30,000 km. The model displays the plasma sphere’s 3D structure over time as a result of solar and magnetic activity. Plasma pause, plasma tail/erosion of the plasma sphere, and plasma escape near the magnetic pole are all accurately modelled by the TIP-model that was created. 

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  • Национальная инфраструктура знаний Китая (CNKI)
  • CiteFactor
  • Космос ЕСЛИ
  • Каталог индексирования исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
  • Секретные лаборатории поисковых систем
  • Евро Паб

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