
Scanning electron microscopy in discriminating between recochet or direct bullet hitting the target- a case report

M.Kiran Kumar, G.Chandrika, N.G.Prabhakar, B.M.Mohan, G.Nagendrappa

Avictimwas shot using a 0.32 caliber revolver thatmight have been injured at the upper portion of the left chest region. A few days after the incident the accused confessed with his licensed weapon. Later, upon interrogation the accused had made a statement that he did not fire the victim directly instead, he fired the bullet inside the pub in air. He stated further that ricocheted bullet must have been hit the victim. Therefore there is a challenge before the Forensic Ballistician to scientifically establish whether the fired bullet is a direct or a ricocheted one. The study is pursued here through SEM-EDXA, Secondary electron image, profile analysis of hole portion of the jerkin of the victim and particles deposited on the nose portion of the bullet recovered from the injured body of the victim and their image comparison with a standard bone particles. The data obtained from the study is agreeing that the bullet fired from the 0.32 caliber revolver might have hit the victim directly and reducing the possibility of recochet bullet injury.

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  • Библиотека электронных журналов
  • Каталог индексирования исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
  • Секретные лаборатории поисковых систем

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