Probiotic potentials of lactic acid bacteria isolated from milk of domestic animals
S.A.Bhutada, D.H.Tambekar
Probiotics are the health promoting viable microorganisms that exhibit a beneficial effect on the health of the host on ingestion viable microorganisms. For the isolation of Lactobacillus strains with probiotic potentials, a total of 65milk samples (25 frombuffalo and 40 fromcowmilk) were analyzed and 44 isolates were identified as LacticAcid Bacteria (LAB) on the basis of morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics. These LABswere tested for antimicrobial potentials against E.coli (MTCC 443), bile tolerance and acid tolerance and 16 isolates passed these tests satisfactorily. These isolates included Lactobacillus plantarum (45%), L.acidophilus (20%), L.bulgaricus (12%), L.lactis (12%) and L.rhamnosus (12%). The data showed that these LAB isolates could be used as potential probiotics fromthe milk of domestic animals for food fortification.