Meaning of ecological Chinese larch garden breeding on conservation of water and soil and natural forest protection project
Wang Ren
Natural forest resource in our country suffers from destruction, which intensifies water and soil loss, enlarges desertification and decreases biodiversity. Thus, the ecological environment deteriorates and the sustainable development of social economy was seriously restricted. Natural forest has unique effect on climate adjustment, natural disaster defense, land ecological security, etc. In order to solve problem of water and soil conservation and protection of natural forest, this paper analyzed the effect of undergrowth coverage on soil and water and soil conservation and studied the limitation of carrying capacity of land on woods. Those provided moderate tree control proportion for ecological restoration, make the ground flora have sufficient illumination and nutrient for growth, and thus better developed the function of water and soil conservation. Then it analyzed the cultivating technology of Chinese larch, which provides theoretical support for the cultivation of ecological Chinese larch garden.