Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method for determination of puerarin from Pueraria tuberosa
Harshad P.Mhaske, Vikas V.Vaidya, Shveta H.Mhaske, Pramod N.Pabrekar, Maharudra B.Kekare
Pueraria tuberosa is a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine, which contains a series of isoflavones as its chief pharmacologically active constituents. Using puerarin asmarker, a rapid, reproducible and efficient liquid chromatography-tandemmass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)method has been developed to quantify puerarin from Pueraria tuberosa. The analyte and Internal Standard (IS) were chromatographed on a Hypurity C18 (50mmï‚´4.6mm i.d., 5ï particle size) column using 10ïÂÂL injection volume with a run time of 2 min. The precursor and product ion of analyte and IS were monitored on a triple quadrapole mass spectrometer, operating in the multiple reaction monitoringmode (MRM) with positive polarity. The proposed method was validated over the range of 25ïÂÂg/ml to 750ïÂÂg/ml. The proposed LC-MS/MS method was validated for linearity, accuracy, precision and limit of quantitation.