Induction of callus and cell suspension cultures of three Callistemon species
Mohamed I.S.Abdelhady, Amel M.Kamal, N.F.Tawfik, S.M.Abdelkhalik, Amira Abdel Motaal, Ludger Beerhues
Several Callistemon species (bottle brush plants; Myrtaceae) are well known for use in folk medicine. Explants of C. viridiflorous (Cv), C. comboynensis (Cc), and C. lanceolatus (Cl) were placed for callus induction onMSmediumwith different combinations of phytohormones. A mixture of NAA and kinetin was the optimum combination for establishing calli of Cv, Cc, and Cl. In case of Cl callus induction, BAP in combination withNAAand kinetin in combination with 2,4Dmay be used. For induction of cell cultures, aliquots of Cv, Cc, and Cl callus material were collected in the active growth phase and transferred to liquid MS medium, supplemented with 0.9 mg·L–1 kinetin and 1.1 mg·L–1NAA.