
Effects of daily intake of the rare sugar D-psicose on liver and muscle glycogen repletion with D-fructose administration after exhaustive swimming

Tatsuhiro Matsuo

We investigated the effects of daily intake of the rare sugar D-psicose on liver and muscle glycogen repletion with D-fructose administration after exhaustive swimming. A single dose of D-psicose with D-fructose did not affect post-exercise glycogen repletion in liver and soleus muscle. However, the rates of liver and soleus muscle glycogen repletion were faster in rats given to 3% D-psicose solution daily than in those given to water.We concluded that daily intake of D-psicose may accelerate the repletion of liver and muscle glycogen after exhaustive swimming.

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  • Каталог индексирования исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
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