
Effect of alloying elements on structure, physicaland chemical properties of SnBiZn solder alloy

Abu BakrEl-Bediwi, Amira El-Shafei, MustafaKamal

The effect of adding alloying elements, (Cu, In, Al, Se and Ag), on microstructure, electrical resistivity, elastic modulus, internal friction, melting point, wetting and corrosion behavior of Sn72Zn4Bi24alloy have been investigated.Melting point, elastic modulus, internal friction, contact angle and electrochemical parameters of Sn72Zn4Bi24alloy varied after adding Cu, In, Al, Se and Ag contents. The Sn70Zn4Bi24In2alloy has lower melting point, elastic modulus and internal friction values. The Sn70Zn4Bi24Ag2alloy has lower contact angle, corrosion rateand corrosioncurrent. Adding Cu, Al, Se and Ag content improve mechanical and electrical properties of Sn72Zn4Bi24 lead free solder alloy.

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  • Каталог индексирования исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
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