
Design and implementation anti-lost children system based on internet of things

Fei Mingming, Shi Yanli

This paper presents for tracing the whereabouts of missing children is an effective solution for the use of real-time information on Internet of Things, track access, update information technology, which utilizes the most highprofile of RFID radio frequency technology, which is a non-contact automatic identification system. In this paper, a combination of the EPC tag chip data reading, RFID automatic acquisition, cloud storage, wireless sensor networks and wireless remote positioning and other functions, to simulate the real scene of the incident, and security risks can be pre-estimate of the corresponding proposed solution. Through the paper, we hope to try and improve, and make appropriate promotion and expansion, loss of practical help to families of children and social harmony and stability, combating trafficking of children

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  • CiteFactor
  • Космос ЕСЛИ
  • Каталог индексирования исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
  • Секретные лаборатории поисковых систем

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