
Applications of polymer condensed matter physics paradigm

Yajun Wang

The importance of macromolecular condensed matter physics is obvious. The study of macromolecular condensed matter physics has been highly focused and supported by our nation and the national natural science foundation committee has set the Major Project of the research of condensed matter physics and the Great Project of consistency in multidemission of condensed matter polymer separately since 1998 and 2004. There are also serious of related great projects gave and endorsed annually. The existence of so many sorts of macromolecule materials in daily life has improved and enriched our lives to a great extent in many aspects. This research dissected the condensed matter physics paradigm and the macromolecular condensed matter physics paradigm using the method of summarizing, analyzing, literature, and probed into the application of macromolecular condensed matter physics. The result of this research showed that the establishing of the macromolecular condensed matter physics paradigm has promoted the development of this science and make this science develop to the deeper aspects of the important branch of the macromolecular condensed matter.

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  • Каталог индексирования исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
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