
Anti-malarial plants used by traditional healers in Mayurbhanj district, Orissa

Madhusmita Jena, Santilata Sahoo, Rajani K.Sahu

An ethno medicinal study was carried out on the tribals of eight villages of Mayurbhanj district, Orissa. The information was gathered from Kondha, Kolha, Santal, Bhumij, Bathudi tribes using an integrated approach of botanical collections, group discussion and interviews with traditional healers during year 2007 – 2008.Atotal of 15 no. ofmedicinal plants distributed among 11 families were documented. In most of the cases aerial plant parts were used for the preparation of medicine for treatment of malaria. The tribal people exclusively depend on thesemedicinal plants for the cure and prevention of malaria as a part of their traditional practice. There is an urgent need to evaluate the pharmaceutical activities of these medicinal plants for the treatment and prevention of malaria in India.

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  • Библиотека электронных журналов
  • Каталог индексирования исследовательских журналов (DRJI)
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